Do you ever just feel like you are stuck in a rut? The energy flow just isn't right. The heart feels heavy, tired, or worn down. The heart chakra might have everything to do with that.
We continue our journey of exploring the chakras and their corresponding essential oils by briefly reviewing the Heart Chakra. The Heart Chakra, or Fourth Chakra, sits just about where your heart is. Just like your heart controls the flow of blood through your body, the heart chakra controls the flow of energy. This is the epicenter of both love and heartache, also the center of healing and compassion. When this chakra is balanced and open you will find it easy to love and be loved. When it is blocked we feel despair and hopelessness.

I love the line from the book, The Ultimate Guide to Chakras, by Athena Perrakis, PhD. - “Love is the only force in the universe that can actually save you, for it can raise the level of your consciousness to a more elevated state beyond the three-dimensional experience of time and space.”
To help nourish your Heart Chakra, Pasithea's Garden recommends using flower derived essential oils. Here is a sampling of the ones we like:
Lavender: our Swiss Army knife of essential oils, lavender is there to do it all. It is calming to

the Central Nervous System, soothing to the heart and mind, and anti-inflammatory for the body. It is the oil of communication and calm. Use lavender to help express your heart’s desires.
Rose: The Queen of essential oils, Rose’s high vibration makes it the most energetically powerful of oils. It is the oil of Divine Love, so there’s no question this oil is helpful for uplifting and nourishing your heart chakra.
Geranium: This is the oil of love and trust. Similar to rose in its scent, chemical composition, and energies, geranium is helpful for soothing a troubled heart chakra. Combine it with rose quartz to help heal a broken heart.
To apply any of these, gently massage a drop or two of the oil over your heart chakra while meditating and resting.
Other helpful energies to use with the heart chakra: rose quartz and rubies, the color green, the Goddess Hera, the planet Venus, and in tarot The Lovers.