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Pink Pepper (Shinus Molle)

It's not just for fajitas.

Essential Oils, Pink Pepper
Pink Pepper: Isn't she pretty?

As we exit the season of grilling here in Texas, (just kidding, it's always grilling season in Texas), It seems appropriate that I introduce you to an essential oil that might be more associated with BBQ seasoning. *

My initial impression of Pink Pepper was of melons that have been sprinkled with spices and

pepper. The first notes I pick up are fruity, floral, and somewhat green, and then they’re followed up with a kick of whole, fresh, peppercorns. Light and relaxed at first, Pink Pepper

reminds you she has a strong backbone and isn’t to be taken for granted. I think this oil would work well in a blend as either a top or middle note.

Pink Pepper essential oil comes from the pink peppercorn tree. The oil is steam distilled from the fruit of the tree. Historically Pink Pepper was used by the Incas for medicinal purposes.

Energetically and emotionally, it is both relaxing and uplifting. Two of it’s main chemical components, Limonene and a-Phellandrene, could be calming for the nervous system. Of course when most of us think of pepper, we think of cooking, and Pink Pepper is an oil that can be very handy in the kitchen or on the grill. It’s especially good on grilled veggies.

Some other ways to use Pink Pepper are to add a few drops to a diffuser, or add one to two drops to a lotion or massage oil.** I think Pink Pepper would blend well with Lavender, Rosemary, and Cedarwood.

*Use caution when taking essential oils internally. Always consult with a certified aromatherapist before using essential oils internally.

**May cause skin sensitivity. Test a small amount on a small area of skin before using. Do not use topically on children under the age of five, and if you are pregnant or nursing.

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