doTerra’s Dr. Hill has a saying, “When in doubt, get your Frankincense out."
The world of essential oils can feel a bit intimidating but you really only have to remember a couple of rules. Rule #1: Frankincense. Frankincense is on the hands of Pasithea's creators and in the blends of several of her creations. #pasitheasgardenapproved
Frankincense has a wonderful grounding and calming effect on our emotions. It’s great to use for meditation or yoga, or anytime you want to soothe an overactive mind. It’s scent is woodsy, earthy, and a bit spicy, with a touch of citrus and herb. Pair it with a floral like Rose, a Citrus like Wild Orange, an herb like Coriander, a spice like Clove or Cinnamon.
Frankincense goes with everything.

Chakra Shock
Need a modern-day truth serum? Frankincense can unlock a lot of pent-up generational trauma and open up that heart space a little bit. It can also work a little on the throat and third-eye chakra as well as the crown chakra. So you can see why if you need just one oil - Frankincense would be a wise choice.
The Oil of Truth
Emotions & Essential Oils, 2017 Sixth Edition, makes reference to
Frankincense as “The Oil of Truth”. It helps the individual let go of lower vibrations
deceptions, as well as feelings of abandonment, spiritual darkness, and feeling unprotected or disconnected. It can help with focus, and shut out distractions.
Where are you needing a little truth in your life? Where can open space for Franky to do what Franky does?
Tell us what we can create here at Pasithea's Garden with precious Frankincense that you need in your life! Give us some ideas for favorite pairings!
What is your favorite pairing with frankincense?
Nothing but Wood Oils all day, every day